Our Team

Like other small communities, our community members work together in small teams to deliver of the very best care and services to clients.

We believe that all members of the community can contribute. Our clients, their loved ones, team members, external stakeholders and volunteers can all contribute to the purpose of the organisation.

Direct care and service team members form the primary relationship with clients and their families and are therefore at the core of our services. Clinical, hospitality and administrative staff support direct team members, and all exist to enable this primary relationship.

Our community is led by a board and a small team of management and administrative staff.

You can view our organisation chart here.


Management Team

Chris Minchin

General Manager In-home Services

Sarah Gosling

General Manager Finance and Sustainability

Pele Reeve

General Manager Community and Lifestyle

Sherryn Rietdyk

Relationship Manager

Board Members

Ray Glickman

Board Chair

Julie Keene

Deputy Chair - BBus, FCA, GAICD

David Cox

Managing Director & Company Secretary - RGN, BN, PGrad (ICU), MBA, MAICD

Robyn Ahern

Board Director - BA (English), MBA

Danielle Davison

Board Director - BEng, GAICD

Karen Dill-Macky

Board Director B.Comm GAICD